Rachita Verma
2 min readJul 20, 2022


The Leap of Faith

Have you ever felt that ‘things will never be the same again’ before the new actually unfolds?

A sense of fear, apprehension, gratitude, disbelief, wonder, excitement, hope – all this and so much more?

It’s often said that no man is an island, but there are transitions in life where the only person who can get you through is yourself.

It doesn’t matter if you feel ill equipped, incapable, or like an imposter stepping into a place and phase where everyone already knows things except you.

It simply does not matter because you’re all you’ve got.

And maybe right now it feels like falling into nothingness with no parachute to save you.

The way you felt as a kid when you first learnt how to swim. When things you considered precious were taken away and never given back. When life changed in ways you’d never imagined and you were in a state of shock thinking will I get through it.

Maybe, right now, it feels exactly this way.

But maybe, soon enough, you will also realise that even though taking this leap of faith was the scariest thing you’ve done, it led you to the next place where you belong. Just like the leaps you took before led you to the place you belong and feel safe in today. This very moment. The soft yellow glow of the lamp beside, the fan spinning fast above, and the the comfort of being curled up on the cream sofa on a rainy night.

You will know that even though the comfort of the new doesn’t initially feel the same, it grows on you. And before you know it, you’ll be sitting curled up in a place that will become home.

It will be filled with love, just like this place you call home now.

And more than anything, you will know that it all turned out ok. And on those rare nights when you’ll look back on how far you’ve come, you’ll know it turned out pretty damn great. And that you were always safe, no matter where :)



Rachita Verma

Live to eat, love, talk, write and sketch. A dreamer at heart.